
We provide a service that facilitates a smooth and gradual transition for young people to achieve their aspirations to live independently in the long term.

We provide:

  • Safe and secure accommodation with 24-hour support.
  • Tailored independent living programmes and key work support hours dependent on individual needs
  • Support and encouragement in accessing education, training and employment.
  • Support in developing a portfolio of skills to demonstrate to key professionals and potential landlords that a young person can live independently.
  • Support for young people to access opportunities and services available from the integrated youth support services such as youth clubs, sporting activities, creative arts/music and therapy.
  • Support to meet the religious and cultural needs of young people.
  • Support in maintaining a tenancy and dealing with correspondence.
  • Support in managing finances, including budgeting and accessing benefits.
  • Support in developing, daily living skills, including cooking, cleaning and shopping.
  • The development of independence, self-esteem confidence and individual resilience.
  • Promotion of healthy relationships with peers, family, professionals, support staff and the community.
    Support to access counselling in areas such as drug and alcohol, sexuality, sexual health, anger management, self- harm and accessing advocacy services.

Who Do We Work With?

Young people who are between16-25 years of age. Particularly vulnerable individuals who are at potential risk of absconding, sexual exploitation, care leavers, young unaccompanied asylum seekers, young people with records of non-engagement in education as well as individuals with self-harming and offending behaviours.


We provide a service that facilitates a smooth and gradual transition for young people to achieve their aspirations to live independently in the long term.

We provide:

  • Safe and secure accommodation with 24-hour support.
  • Tailored independent living programmes and key work support hours dependent on individual needs
  • Support and encouragement in accessing education, training and employment.
  • Support in developing a portfolio of skills to demonstrate to key professionals and potential landlords that a young person can live independently.
  • Support for young people to access opportunities and services available from the integrated youth support services such as youth clubs, sporting activities, creative arts/music and therapy.
  • Support to meet the religious and cultural needs of young people.
  • Support in maintaining a tenancy and dealing with correspondence.
  • Support in managing finances, including budgeting and accessing benefits.
  • Support in developing, daily living skills, including cooking, cleaning and shopping.
  • The development of independence, self-esteem confidence and individual resilience.
  • Promotion of healthy relationships with peers, family, professionals, support staff and the community.
    Support to access counselling in areas such as drug and alcohol, sexuality, sexual health, anger management, self- harm and accessing advocacy services.

Who Do We Work With?

Young people who are between16-25 years of age. Particularly vulnerable individuals who are at potential risk of absconding, sexual exploitation, care leavers, young unaccompanied asylum seekers, young people with records of non-engagement in education as well as individuals with self-harming and offending behaviours.

Our emphasis is on supporting our young people to achieve the best possible outcomes through the provision of suitable accommodation and key work support

Our emphasis is on supporting our young people to achieve the best possible outcomes through the provision of suitable accommodation and key work support